Wednesday 9 October 2024

Amazon Interactive Video Service LAB

1. Create an IVS Channel

  • Navigate to the IVS console:
    In the AWS Management Console, search for "IVS" and select the Interactive Video Service.
  • Create a channel: Click on "Create channel".
  • Name your channel: Give your channel a unique name.
  • Choose a playback policy: Select the desired playback policy (e.g., public, private).
  • Create the channel: Click on "Create channel".
  • Image of creating an IVS channel

2. Create a Player

  • Create a player: Click on "Create player".
  • Name your player: Give your player a unique name.
  • Choose a playback policy: Select the desired playback policy.
  • Create the player: Click on "Create player".
  • Image of creating an IVS player

3. Integrate with Your Application

  • Integrate with your application: Use the IVS SDKs or the IVS API to integrate your application with the channel and player.

4. Start a Live Stream

  • Start a live stream: Use the IVS API to start a live stream to your channel.

5. Embed the Player

  • Embed the player: Embed the player in your web application or mobile app.

6. Add Interactive Features

  • Add features: Use the IVS API to add interactive features like chat, polling, and audience engagement to your live stream.

Elastic Transcoder LAB


1. Create a Pipeline

  • Navigate to the Elastic Transcoder console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Elastic Transcoder" and select the Elastic Transcoder service.
  • Create a pipeline: Click on "Create pipeline".
  • Name your pipeline: Give your pipeline a unique name.
  • Choose a role: Select the IAM role that has the necessary permissions to access your S3 buckets.
  • Create the pipeline: Click on "Create pipeline".
  • Image of creating an Elastic Transcoder pipeline

2. Create an Input Preset

  • Create an input preset: Click on "Create input preset".
  • Name your input preset: Give your input preset a unique name.
  • Configure input settings: Specify the input settings, such as the container format and resolution.
  • Create the input preset: Click on "Create input preset".
  • Image of creating an Elastic Transcoder input preset

3. Create an Output Preset

  • Create an output preset: Click on "Create output preset".
  • Name your output preset: Give your output preset a unique name.
  • Configure output settings: Specify the output settings, such as the container format, resolution, and bitrate.
  • Create the output preset: Click on "Create output preset".
  • Image of creating an Elastic Transcoder output preset

4. Create a Job

  • Create a job: Click on "Create job".
  • Choose a pipeline: Select the pipeline you created.
  • Choose an input preset: Select the input preset you created.
  • Choose an output preset: Select the output preset you created.
  • Specify input and output locations: Specify the S3 buckets where your input and output files are located.
  • Create the job: Click on "Create job".
  • Image of creating an Elastic Transcoder job

5. Monitor Job Status

  • Monitor job status: Use the Elastic Transcoder console to monitor the status of your job.
  • Image of monitoring an Elastic Transcoder job

6. Download Output Files

  • Download files: Once the job is complete, download the output files from the specified S3 bucket.

AWS Deadline Cloud LAB


1. Create a Compute Environment

  • Navigate to the Deadline console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Deadline" and select the Deadline service.
  • Create a compute environment: Click on "Create compute environment".
  • Name your compute environment: Give your compute environment a unique name.
  • Choose a compute type: Select the desired compute type (e.g., EC2, Spot, Fargate).
  • Configure compute settings: Specify the desired compute settings, such as the instance type, number of instances, and security group.
  • Create the compute environment: Click on "Create compute environment".
  • Image of creating a compute environment in the AWS Deadline console

2. Create a Job Queue

  • Create a job queue: Click on "Create job queue".
  • Name your job queue: Give your job queue a unique name.
  • Choose a compute environment: Select the compute environment you created.
  • Create the job queue: Click on "Create job queue".
  • Image of creating a job queue in the AWS Deadline console

3. Create a Job

  • Create a job: Click on "Create job".
  • Name your job: Give your job a unique name.
  • Choose a job queue: Select the job queue you created.
  • Upload your job script: Upload your job script.
  • Create the job: Click on "Create job".
  • Image of creating a job in the AWS Deadline console

4. Monitor Job Status

  • Monitor job status: Use the Deadline console to monitor the status of your job.
  • Image of monitoring job status in the AWS Deadline console

5. Access Job Results

  • Access results: Once the job is complete, you can access the job results.

AWS Migration Hub LAB


1. Create a Migration Hub Configuration

  • Navigate to the Migration Hub console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Migration Hub" and select the Migration Hub service.
  • Create a configuration: Click on "Create configuration".
  • Name your configuration: Give your configuration a unique name.
  • Choose a region: Select the region where you want to create the configuration.
  • Create the configuration: Click on "Create configuration".
  • Image of creating a Migration Hub configuration

2. Discover Applications

  • Discover applications: Use the AWS Application Discovery Service (ADS) to discover your on-premises applications.

3. Import Applications

  • Import applications: Import the discovered applications into Migration Hub.
  • Image of importing applications into Migration Hub

4. Create a Migration Task

  • Create a task: Click on "Create migration task".
  • Name your task: Give your task a unique name.
  • Choose a migration strategy: Select the desired migration strategy (e.g., rehost, refactor).
  • Create the task: Click on "Create task".
  • Image of creating a migration task in Migration Hub

5. Track Migration Progress

  • Track progress: Use the Migration Hub console to track the progress of your migration tasks.
  • Image of tracking migration progress in Migration Hub

6. Manage Migration Artifacts

  • Manage artifacts: Manage the migration artifacts generated by the migration tasks.
  • Image of managing migration artifacts in Migration Hub

AWS Mainframe Modernization LAB

1. Assess Your Mainframe Applications

  • Identify applications: Identify the mainframe applications you want to migrate.
  • Assess compatibility: Assess the compatibility of your applications with cloud environments.
  • Analyze dependencies:
    Identify dependencies between applications and data.
  • Image of assessing mainframe applications for migration

2. Choose a Migration Strategy

  • Select a strategy: Choose a migration strategy based on your application's characteristics and business objectives. Options include rehosting, refactoring, or rebuilding.
  • Image of selecting a migration strategy for mainframe applications

3. Replicate Data

  • Replicate data: Use AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to replicate your mainframe data to AWS.
  • Image of replicating mainframe data using AWS DMS

4. Migrate Applications

  • Migrate applications: Use AWS Application Migration Service (AMS) to migrate your applications to AWS.
  • Image of migrating mainframe applications using AWS AMS

5. Refactor Applications (if necessary)

  • Refactor: If your applications require refactoring, use AWS tools and services to modernize the code and architecture.
  • Image of refactoring mainframe applications

6. Test and Validate

  • Test applications: Thoroughly test your migrated applications in the AWS environment to ensure they function correctly.
  • Validate performance: Validate the performance of your migrated applications to ensure they meet your requirements.
  • Image of testing and validating migrated mainframe applications

7. Optimize and Monitor

  • Optimize: Optimize your migrated applications for performance and cost efficiency.
  • Monitor: Continuously monitor the performance and health of your migrated applications.
  • Image of optimizing and monitoring migrated mainframe applications

AWS Application Migration Service LAB


AWS Application Migration Service 

AWS Application Migration Service (AMS) is a managed service that helps you migrate your on-premises applications to AWS. It provides tools and automation to simplify the migration process.

1. Launch an Agent

  • Launch an agent: Download the AMS agent and install it on your on-premises servers.
  • Image of downloading the AWS AMS agent

2. Configure the Agent

  • Configure the agent: Configure the agent to connect to your AWS account and report application data.
  • Image of configuring the AWS AMS agent

3. Start the Agent

  • Start the agent: Start the AMS agent to begin collecting data.

4. Create a Migration Task

  • Create a migration task: Use the AWS Management Console to create a migration task.
  • Image of creating a migration task in the AWS Application Migration Service console

5. Configure the Migration Task

  • Configure settings: Configure the migration task settings, such as the source and target environments.
  • Image of configuring a migration task in the AWS Application Migration Service console

6. Assess Applications

  • Assess applications: AMS will automatically assess your applications for migration suitability.
  • Image of assessing applications in the AWS Application Migration Service console

7. Create Migration Strategies

  • Create strategies: Create migration strategies for each application, specifying the migration approach (e.g., rehost, refactor).
  • Image of creating migration strategies in the AWS Application Migration Service console

8. Migrate Applications

  • Migrate applications: Use AMS to migrate your applications to AWS based on the defined strategies.
  • Image of migrating applications in the AWS Application Migration Service console

9. Validate Migration

  • Validate migration: Validate the migrated applications to ensure they are functioning correctly in the AWS environment.

Application Discovery Service LAB


1. Launch an Agent

  • Launch an agent: Download the ADS agent and install it on your on-premises servers.
  • Image of downloading the AWS ADS agent

2. Configure the Agent

  • Configure the agent: Configure the agent to connect to your AWS account and report application data.
  • Image of configuring the AWS ADS agent

3. Start the Agent

  • Start the agent: Start the ADS agent to begin collecting data.

4. View Discovered Applications

  • View applications: Use the AWS Management Console to view the applications discovered by ADS.
  • Image of viewing discovered applications in the AWS Application Discovery Service console
     AWS Application Discovery Service console

5. Analyze Application Data

  • Analyze data: Use the ADS console to analyze application data, including dependencies, usage patterns, and performance metrics.
  • Image of analyzing application data in the AWS Application Discovery Service console

6. Create Application Groups

  • Create groups: Group related applications together for easier management.
  • Image of creating application groups in the AWS Application Discovery Service console
     creating application groups in the AWS Application Discovery Service console

7. Export Data

  • Export data: Export application data to CSV or JSON format for further analysis.