Thursday 3 October 2024

 Basic System configuration and Administration LAB


1. Update System Packages

  • Open a terminal: Use the terminal application (usually found in the "Applications" menu).
  • Update package lists: Run the following command:
    sudo apt update
    (Replace apt with dnf or yum if you're using Fedora or CentOS, respectively.)
  • Upgrade packages: Run the following command:
    sudo apt upgrade

[Image of a terminal window showing the sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade commands]

2. Set Your Time Zone

  • Open the Time & Date settings: This can usually be found in the system settings or control panel.
  • Select your time zone: Choose the correct time zone for your location.
  • Image of time zone settings window

3. Configure Network Settings

  • Open the network settings: This can usually be found in the system settings or control panel.
  • Connect to a network: If you're using a wired connection, plug in the Ethernet cable. For Wi-Fi, select your network and enter the password.
  • Image of network settings window showing WiFi connection options

4. Create Users and Groups

  • Open the users and groups settings: This can usually be found in the system settings or control panel.
  • Create a new user: Enter the desired username and password.
  • Assign groups: If necessary, assign the user to specific groups (e.g., sudo for administrative privileges).
  • Image of users and groups settings window showing the option to create a new user

5. Configure Software Repositories

  • Open a terminal: If you're using a distribution with multiple software repositories (e.g., Universe, Backports), you may need to enable them.
  • Edit the sources.list file: Use a text editor like nano or gedit to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file (or its equivalent for other distributions).
  • Add or remove repositories: Uncomment or comment out the lines corresponding to the repositories you want to enable or disable.

[Image of the /etc/apt/sources.list file]

6. Install Software

  • Open a terminal: Use the package manager to install desired software.
  • Search for packages: Use the search command (e.g., sudo apt search firefox).
  • Install packages: Use the install command (e.g., sudo apt install firefox).

[Image of the terminal window showing the sudo apt install firefox command]

7. Configure Firewall

  • Check your firewall status: Use the appropriate command for your distribution (e.g., ufw status for UFW).
  • Enable or disable the firewall: If necessary, use the appropriate command (e.g., ufw enable or ufw disable).
  • Configure rules: If you need to allow or block specific ports or traffic, use the appropriate command (e.g., ufw allow ssh).

[Image of the terminal window showing the ufw status command]

8. Set a Strong Password

  • Open the user settings: Find the option to change your password.
  • Create a strong password: Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Image of user settings window showing the option to change password

By following these steps, you can perform basic system configuration and administration tasks on your Linux system. Remember to refer to the specific documentation for your distribution for more detailed instructions and advanced configuration options.

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