Friday 7 June 2024

Host your domain in Azure DNS


Host your domain in Azure DNS

You can use Azure DNS to host your DNS domain and manage your DNS records. By hosting your domains in Azure, you can manage your DNS records by using the same credentials, APIs, tools, and billing as your other Azure services.

Suppose you buy the domain from a domain name registrar and then create a zone with the name in Azure DNS. Since you're the owner of the domain, your registrar offers you the option to configure the name server (NS) records for your domain. The registrar stores the NS records in the .com parent zone. Internet users around the world are then directed to your domain in your Azure DNS zone when they try to resolve DNS records in


To host your domain in Azure:

  • Create the DNS zone.
  • Create resource records in the DNS zone.
  • Retrieve the list of Azure nameservers for your DNS zone.
  • Delegate the domain to Azure's nameservers at your registrar.

For example:

A simple diagram of a DNS zone hosted in Azure that is delegated at the registrar.

In this tutorial, you learn how to:

  • Create a DNS zone.
  • Retrieve a list of name servers.
  • Delegate the domain.
  • Verify the delegation is working.

If you don’t have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.


  • An Azure account with an active subscription.
  • A domain name that you can host in Azure DNS. You must have full control of this domain. Full control includes the ability to set the name server (NS) records for the domain.


In this tutorial, is used as an example domain name. Replace with your own domain name.

Sign in to Azure

Sign in to the Azure portal.

Create a DNS zone

  1. In the Azure portal, enter dns zone in the search box at the top of the portal, and then select DNS zones from the search results.

  2. In DNS zones, select + Create.

  3. In the Create DNS zone page, enter or select the following information in the Basics tab:

    Project details
    SubscriptionSelect your Azure subscription.
    Resource groupSelect Create new
    In Name, enter myResourceGroup
    Select OK.
    Instance details
    This zone is a child of an existing zone already hosted in Azure DNSClear this checkbox since the DNS zone isn't a child zone.
    NameEnter your DNS zone name.
    Resource group locationSelect the resource group location.
    The resource group location doesn't affect your DNS zone service, which is global and not bound to a location.

    Screenshot of Create D N S zone page showing the settings used in this tutorial to create a parent D N S zone.

  4. Select Review + create.

  5. Select Create.


    If the new zone that you are creating is a child zone (e.g. parent zone = child zone =, then please refer to Create a child DNS zone tutorial.

Retrieve name servers

Before you can delegate your DNS zone to Azure DNS, you need to know the name servers for your zone. Azure DNS gives name servers from a pool each time a zone is created.

  1. In the Azure portal, enter dns zone in the search box at the top of the portal, and then select DNS zones from the search results.

  2. In DNS zones, select

  3. In the Overview page, retrieve the name servers. In this example, the DNS zone has been assigned name servers, and

    Screenshot of D N S zone showing assigned Azure name servers

Azure DNS automatically creates authoritative NS records in your zone for the assigned name servers.

Delegate the domain

Once the DNS zone gets created and you have the name servers, you'll need to update the parent domain with the Azure DNS name servers. Each registrar has its own DNS management tools to change the name server records for a domain.

  1. In the registrar's DNS management page, edit the NS records and replace the NS records with the Azure DNS name servers.

  2. When you delegate a domain to Azure DNS, you must use the name servers that Azure DNS provides. Use all four name servers, regardless of the name of your domain. Domain delegation doesn't require a name server to use the same top-level domain as your domain.


When you copy each name server address, make sure you copy the trailing period at the end of the address. The trailing period indicates the end of a fully qualified domain name. Some registrars append the period if the NS name doesn't have it at the end. To be compliant with the DNS RFC, include the trailing period.

Delegations that use name servers in your own zone, sometimes called vanity name servers, aren't currently supported in Azure DNS.

Verify the delegation

After you complete the delegation, you can verify that it's working by using a tool such as nslookup to query the Start of Authority (SOA) record for your zone. The SOA record is automatically created when the zone is created. You may need to wait at least 10 minutes after you complete the delegation, before you can successfully verify that it's working. It can take a while for changes to propagate through the DNS system.

You don't have to specify the Azure DNS name servers. If the delegation is set up correctly, the normal DNS resolution process finds the name servers automatically.

  1. From a command prompt, enter a nslookup command similar to the following example:

    nslookup -type=SOA
  2. Verify that your response looks similar to the following nslookup output:

            primary name server =
            responsible mail addr =
            serial = 1
            refresh = 3600 (1 hour)
            retry = 300 (5 mins)
            expire = 604800 (7 days)
            default TTL = 300 (5 mins)    internet address =    AAAA IPv6 address = 2603:1061::1

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