Thursday 3 October 2024

The Boot Process lab

 Key Stages of the Boot Process:

  1. Power-On Self Test (POST):
    • The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) performs a hardware check to ensure that all components are functioning correctly.
      Image of POST screen
  2. BIOS Configuration:
    • The BIOS loads its configuration settings and determines the boot order.
      Image of BIOS configuration screen
    • Boot Device Selection:
    • The BIOS searches for the boot device (usually a hard drive or USB drive) specified in the boot order.
      Image of boot device selection screen
  3. Bootloader Loading:
    • The BIOS loads the bootloader (e.g., GRUB, LILO) from the boot device.
      Image of bootloader screen
  4. Kernel Loading:
    • The bootloader loads the kernel, the core of the operating system, into memory.
      Image of kernel loading screen
  5. Init Process:
    • The kernel starts the init process, which is responsible for initializing other system processes.
      Image of init process
  6. Filesystem Mounting:
    • The init process mounts the root filesystem, making the operating system's files accessible.
      Image of filesystem mounting process
  7. Startup Services:
    • The init process starts various system services, such as networking, sound, and graphical interface.
      Image of startup services
  8. Login Prompt:
    • The login prompt appears, allowing the user to enter their username and password.
      Image of login prompt
  9. Desktop Environment:
  • Once the user logs in, the desktop environment is loaded, providing a graphical interface for interacting with the system.
    Image of desktop environment

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