Friday 4 October 2024

Installing and Removing Packages

 1. Update package lists:

This step ensures that your package manager has the latest information about available packages.

Image of terminal showing sudo apt update command

sudo apt update

2. Search for a package:

Use the package manager's search function to find the specific package you want to install.

Image of terminal showing sudo apt search command

sudo apt search <package_name>

3. Install the package:

Use the package manager's installation command to install the package.

Image of terminal showing sudo apt install command

sudo apt install <package_name>

Removing Packages

1. Remove the package:

Use the package manager's removal command to uninstall the package.

Image of terminal showing sudo apt remove command

sudo apt remove <package_name>

2. Remove configuration files:

If you want to completely remove the package, including its configuration files, use the purge option.

Image of terminal showing sudo apt purge command

sudo apt purge <package_name>

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