Monday 7 October 2024

Directory Service LAB

 1. Create a Simple AD Directory

  • Navigate to the Directory Service console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Directory Service" and select the Directory Service service.
  • Create a directory: Click on "Create directory".
  • Choose a directory type: Select "Simple AD Directory".
  • Configure directory settings:
    Specify the desired directory settings, such as the directory name, VPC, subnet, and administrator password.
  • Create the directory: Click on "Create directory".
  • Image of creating a Simple AD Directory in the AWS Directory Service console

2. Join Your Instances

  • Join instances: Use the AWS CLI or the Directory Service console to join your EC2 instances to the Simple AD Directory.
  • Image of joining an EC2 instance to a Simple AD Directory

Microsoft AD Connector Labs

1. Create a Microsoft AD Connector

  • Navigate to the Directory Service console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Directory Service" and select the Directory Service service.
  • Create a directory: Click on "Create directory".
  • Choose a directory type: Select "Microsoft AD Connector".
  • Configure directory settings: Specify the desired directory settings, such as the directory name, VPC, subnet, and on-premises AD domain.
  • Create the directory: Click on "Create directory".
  • Image of creating a Microsoft AD Connector in the AWS Directory Service console

2. Configure Your On-Premises AD

  • Configure your on-premises AD: Follow the instructions provided by Directory Service to configure your on-premises AD domain for replication.

3. Synchronize Directories

  • Synchronize directories: Use the Directory Service console to initiate directory synchronization between your on-premises AD and the AWS directory.

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