Thursday 19 September 2024

Route 53 labs step by stepwith screenshot

1. Create a Hosted Zone

  • Navigate to Route 53 Console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Route 53" and select the service.
  • Create Hosted Zone: Click "Create hosted zone".
  • Configure Hosted Zone:
    • Name: Provide a meaningful name for your domain.
    • Comment:
      Add an optional comment.
  • Create Hosted Zone: Click "Create".
  • Image of AWS Route 53 Console showing the creation of a hosted zone

2. Create a Record Set

  • Select Hosted Zone: Choose the newly created hosted zone.
  • Create Record Set: Click "Create record set".
  • Configure Record Set:
    • Type: Choose the record type (e.g., A, CNAME).
    • Name: Specify the record name (e.g., "www").
    • Value: Enter the value for the record (e.g., IP address for A record, domain name for CNAME record).
    • TTL: Set the time to live for the record.
  • Create Record Set: Click "Create".
  • Image of AWS Route 53 Console showing the creation of a record set

3. Use the DNS Name

  • Obtain DNS Name: Use the provided DNS name for your hosted zone.
  • Configure DNS: Configure your DNS settings to point to the Route 53 DNS name.
  • Image of DNS configuration using the Route 53 DNS name

4. Additional Considerations

  • Record Types: Choose the appropriate record type based on your requirements (e.g., A for IPv4, CNAME for aliases).
  • Alias Records: Use alias records to route traffic to other AWS services (e.g., S3, CloudFront).
  • Routing Policies: Configure routing policies for complex routing scenarios (e.g., weighted routing, latency-based routing).
  • Monitoring: Use Route 53 metrics and health checks to monitor DNS resolution and performance.

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