Friday 7 June 2024

A look at the Azure DNS


A look at the Azure DNS Private Resolver

 I’m going to cover the new Azure DNS Private Resolver feature that recently went into public preview. I’ve written extensively about Azure DNS in the past and I recommend reading through that series if you’re new to the platform. It has grown to be significantly important in Azure architectures due to its role in name resolution for Private Endpoints. A common pain point for customers using Private Endpoints from on-premises is the requirement to have a VM in Azure capable of acting as a DNS proxy. This is explained in detail in this post. The Azure DNS Private Resolver seeks to ease that pain by providing a managed DNS solution capable of acting as a DNS proxy and conditional forwarder facilitating hybrid DNS resolution (for those of you coming from AWS, this is Azure’s Route 53 Resolver). Alexis Plantin beat me to the punch and put together a great write-up on the basics of the feature so my focus instead be on some additional scenarios and a pattern that I tested and validated.

I’m a big fan of keeping infrastructure services such as DNS centralized and under the management of central IT. This is one reason I’m partial to a landing zone with a dedicated shared services virtual network attached to the transit virtual network as illustrated in the image below. In this shared services virtual network you put your DNS, patching/update infrastructure, and potentially identity services such as Windows Active Directory. The virtual network and its resources can then be dropped into a dedicated subscription and locked down to central IT. Additionally, as an added bonus, keeping the transit virtual network dedicated to firewalls and virtual network gateways makes the eventual migration to Azure Virtual WAN that must easier.

Common landing zone design

The design I had in mind would place the Private Resolver in the shared services virtual network and would funnel all traffic to and from the resolver and on-premises or another spoke through the firewall in the transit virtual network. This way I could control the conversation, inspect the traffic if needed, and centrally log it. The lab environment I built to test the design is pictured below.

Lab environment

The first question I had was whether or not the inbound endpoint would obey the user defined routes in the custom route table I associated with the inbound endpoint subnet. To test this theory I made a DNS query from the VM running in spoke 2 to resolve an A record in a Private DNS Zone. This Private DNS Zone was only linked to the virtual network where the Private Resolvers were. If the inbound endpoint wasn’t capable of obeying the custom routes, then the return traffic would be dropped and my query would fail.

Result of query from VM in another spoke

Success! The inbound endpoint is returning traffic back through the firewall. Logs on the firewall confirm the traffic flowing through.

Firewall logs showing DNS traffic from spoke

Next I wanted to see if traffic from the outbound endpoint would obey the custom routes. To test this, I configured a DNS forwarding rule (conditional forwarding component of the service) to send all DNS queries for back to the domain controller running in my lab. I then performed a DNS query from the VM running in spoke 2.

Firewall logs showing DNS traffic to on-premises

Success again as the query was answered! The traffic from the outbound endpoint is seen traversing the firewall on its way to my domain controller on-premises. This confirmed that both the inbound and outbound endpoints obey custom routing making the design I presented above viable.

Beyond the above, I also confirmed the Private Resolver is capable of resolving reverse lookup zones (for PTR records). I was happy to see reverse zones weren’t forgotten.

One noticeable gap today is the Private Resolver does not yet offer DNS query logging. If that is important to you, you may want to retain your existing DNS Proxy. If you happen to be using Azure Firewall, you could make use of the DNS Proxy feature which allows for logging of DNS queries. Azure Firewall could then be configured to use the Private Resolver as its resolver providing that conditional forward capability Azure Firewall’s DNS Proxy feature lacks.

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