Sunday, 29 September 2013

Difference between YUM and RPM in Linux

Installing and Uninstalling software, packages might get a little tricky for users that are new to Linux. While windows has a straight forward (probably because you are used to it), Linux has several ways of installing and uninstalling programs. There are operating systems like Ubuntu where you can simply install programs with “apt-get install” command, there are also operating systems like CentOS where you’d need to install programs with “YUM“. Wherein sometimes websites would suggest you to download the .rpm file and then install the program. This post will help you understand the difference between YUM and RPM. Hopefully, this will simplify Linux for you.

1] What is RPM?
Redhat Package Manager, shortly known as RPM is like setup file, somewhat similar to “.exe” files we have in Windows. RPM files are the packages which will install the program in your computer. While commands are very basic and simple to install and uninstall the program, it sometime gets difficult to actually find the links to download these RPM (Linux is as user friendly as a computer can get).

2] What is YUM?
Difference between YUM and RPMYellowdog Updater Modified, shortly known as YUM is like a Library which has all the RPMs indexed in it. Since we’re using Linux, we’re cool, we don’t want to waste our time finding the setup files. Hence, we have an entire Library that already has all the RPMs indexed in it. All we need to do is execute the command “yum install package” where package is the software you’re looking to install. Isn’t it cool? No need to Google around to find your programs. YUM is somewhat like Google for Linux programs. You can even search the possible software with commands like “yum list package” “yum search package” etc.

Hence, you can not possibly find any DIFFERENCE between RPM and YUM because they are NOT competitors. They work with each other. You would most likely end up using YUM in order to install, uninstall the programs. In case YUM doesn’t have your program indexed, then you will need to download the RPM package from the internet in order to install it

1 comment:

  1. I did rpm -qa and didn't found the package but when when I did yum list I found the package. why so and which command is useful in finding the installed packages in Linux?
