Wednesday 9 October 2024

Direct Connect LAB


. Create a Direct Connect Connection

  • Navigate to the Direct Connect console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Direct Connect" and select the Direct Connect service.
  • Create a connection: Click on "Create connection".
  • Choose a location: Select the AWS Direct Connect location closest to your on-premises data center.
  • Configure connection settings: Specify the desired connection settings, such as the location, bandwidth, and connection type.
  • Create the connection: Click on "Create connection".
  • Image of creating a Direct Connect connection in the AWS Management Console

2. Establish Physical Connectivity

  • Establish physical connectivity: Work with your network service provider (NSP) to establish a physical connection between your on-premises data center and the AWS Direct Connect location.
  • Image of establishing physical connectivity for a Direct Connect connection

3. Create a Virtual Interface

  • Create a virtual interface: In the Direct Connect console, click on the connection you created.
  • Create a virtual interface: Click on "Create virtual interface".
  • Configure virtual interface settings: Specify the desired virtual interface settings, such as the VLAN ID and Amazon side address prefix.
  • Create the virtual interface: Click on "Create virtual interface".
  • Image of creating a virtual interface in the AWS Direct Connect console

4. Configure Your On-Premises Routers

  • Configure routers: Configure your on-premises routers to route traffic to the Direct Connect connection.

5. Test Connectivity

  • Test connectivity: Test the connection between your on-premises data center and AWS using ping or traceroute.

CloudFront LAB


1. Create a Distribution

  • Navigate to the CloudFront console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "CloudFront" and select the CloudFront service.
  • Create a distribution: Click on "Create distribution".
  • Choose a distribution type: Select the desired distribution type (e.g., web, download).
  • Configure distribution settings: Specify the desired distribution settings, such as the origin domain name, default cache behavior, and viewer protocol policy.
  • Create the distribution: Click on "Create distribution".
  • Image of creating a CloudFront distribution
    creating a CloudFront distribution

2. Configure the Origin

  • Configure the origin: Specify the origin domain name where your content is stored (e.g., S3 bucket, EC2 instance).
  • Image of configuring the origin in a CloudFront distribution

3. Configure Cache Behavior

  • Configure cache behavior: Specify the cache behavior for different types of content (e.g., HTML, images, videos).
  • Image of configuring cache behavior in a CloudFront distribution

4. Deploy the Distribution

  • Deploy the distribution: CloudFront will automatically deploy your distribution to its global network of data centers.

5. Access Content

  • Access content: Use the CloudFront domain name to access your content. CloudFront will automatically route requests to the nearest data center, improving performance and reducing latency.
  • Image of accessing content through a CloudFront distribution

6. Monitor and Manage Your Distribution

  • Monitor performance: Use CloudFront metrics to monitor the performance of your distribution.
  • Manage cache behavior: Modify cache behavior settings as needed.
  • Invalidate cache: Invalidate cached content when it's updated.

AWS Cloud Map LAB


1. Create a Service

  • Navigate to the Cloud Map console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Cloud Map" and select the Cloud Map service.
  • Create a service: Click on "Create service".
  • Name your service: Give your service a unique name.
  • Choose a service type: Select the desired service type (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, DNS).
  • Create the service:
    Click on "Create service".
  • Image of creating a service in the AWS Cloud Map console

2. Register Instances

  • Register instances: Use the AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, or the Cloud Map console to register instances with your service.
  • Image of registering instances with a Cloud Map service

3. Discover Instances

  • Discover instances: Use the DNS name provided by Cloud Map to discover instances of your service.
  • Image of discovering instances using Cloud Map

4. Configure DNS Records

  • Configure DNS records: If you're using a custom DNS provider, you may need to configure DNS records to route traffic to your Cloud Map service.

Amazon Application Recovery Controller LAB


1. Create a Recovery Plan

  • Navigate to the Application Recovery Controller console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Application Recovery Controller" and select the Application Recovery Controller service.
  • Create a recovery plan:
    Click on "Create recovery plan".
  • Name your recovery plan: Give your recovery plan a unique name.
  • Choose a recovery strategy: Select the desired recovery strategy (e.g., failover, failback).
  • Create the recovery plan: Click on "Create recovery plan".
  • Image of creating a recovery plan in the AWS Application Recovery Controller console

2. Add Resources to the Recovery Plan

  • Add resources: Click on the recovery plan you created.
  • Add resources: Click on "Add resources".
  • Choose resources: Select the AWS resources you want to include in the recovery plan (e.g., EC2 instances, databases).
  • Image of adding resources to a recovery plan in the AWS Application Recovery Controller console

3. Define Recovery Steps

  • Define recovery steps: For each resource, define the recovery steps that need to be executed in case of a disaster.
  • Image of defining recovery steps in the AWS Application Recovery Controller console

4. Test the Recovery Plan

  • Test the recovery plan: Use the Application Recovery Controller console to test your recovery plan. This will simulate a disaster and execute the defined recovery steps.
  • Image of testing a recovery plan in the AWS Application Recovery Controller console

5. Monitor Recovery Status

  • Monitor recovery status: Monitor the status of the recovery test and identify any issues.
  • Image of monitoring recovery status in the AWS Application Recovery Controller console

6. Refine the Recovery Plan

  • Refine the recovery plan: Based on the test results, refine your recovery plan to address any identified issues.

AWS App Mesh LAB


1. Create a Mesh

  • Navigate to the App Mesh console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "App Mesh" and select the App Mesh service.
  • Create a mesh: Click on "Create mesh".
  • Name your mesh: Give your mesh a unique name.
  • Choose a region: Select the region where you want to create your mesh.
  • Create the mesh: Click on "Create mesh".
  • Image of creating a mesh in the AWS App Mesh console

2. Create a Virtual Node

  • Create a virtual node: Click on the mesh you created.
  • Create a virtual node: Click on "Create virtual node".
  • Name your virtual node: Give your virtual node a unique name.
  • Configure virtual node settings: Specify the desired virtual node settings, such as the listener port and target type.
  • Create the virtual node: Click on "Create virtual node".
  • Image of creating a virtual node in the AWS App Mesh console

3. Create a Virtual Router

  • Create a virtual router: Click on the mesh you created.
  • Create a virtual router: Click on "Create virtual router".
  • Name your virtual router: Give your virtual router a unique name.
  • Configure virtual router settings: Specify the desired virtual router settings, such as the route specifications.
  • Create the virtual router: Click on "Create virtual router".
  • Image of creating a virtual router in the AWS App Mesh console

4. Create a Virtual Service

  • Create a virtual service: Click on the mesh you created.
  • Create a virtual service: Click on "Create virtual service".
  • Name your virtual service: Give your virtual service a unique name.
  • Configure virtual service settings: Specify the desired virtual service settings, such as the virtual node and virtual router.
  • Create the virtual service: Click on "Create virtual service".
  • Image of creating a virtual service in the AWS App Mesh console

5. Integrate with Your Microservices

  • Integrate with your microservices: Integrate your microservices with App Mesh by configuring them to use the virtual services and virtual nodes.

API Gateway LAB


1. Create an API

  • Navigate to the API Gateway console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "API Gateway" and select the API Gateway service.
  • Create an API: Click on "Create API".
  • Name your API: Give your API a unique name.
  • Choose a REST API: Select "REST API".
  • Create the API:
    Click on "Create API".
  • Image of creating an API in the AWS API Gateway console

2. Create a Resource

  • Create a resource: Click on the API you created.
  • Create a resource: Click on "Actions" -> "Create Resource".
  • Name your resource: Give your resource a unique name.
  • Create the resource: Click on "Create Resource".
  • Image of creating a resource in the AWS API Gateway console

3. Create a Method

  • Create a method: Click on the resource you created.
  • Create a method: Click on "Actions" -> "Create Method".
  • Choose a method: Select the HTTP method you want to use (e.g., GET, POST).
  • Create the method: Click on "Create Method".
  • Image of creating a method in the AWS API Gateway console

4. Configure Integration

  • Configure integration: In the "Integration" section, choose the integration type (e.g., AWS Lambda).
  • Configure integration settings: Specify the integration settings, such as the Lambda function ARN.
  • Image of configuring integration in the AWS API Gateway console

5. Test the API

  • Test the API: Use the API Gateway console to test your API.
  • Image of testing an API in the AWS API Gateway console

6. Deploy the API

  • Deploy the API: Click on "Actions" -> "Deploy API".
  • Choose a stage: Select the stage where you want to deploy the API (e.g., dev, prod).
  • Deploy the API: Click on "Deploy".
  • Image of deploying an API in the AWS API Gateway console

Braket Account LAB


1. Create a Braket Account

  • Navigate to the Braket console: In the AWS Management Console, search for "Braket" and select the Braket service.
  • Create a Braket account: Click on "Create Braket account".
  • Accept terms and conditions:
    Review and accept the terms and conditions.
  • Image of creating a Braket account in the AWS Braket console

2. Choose a Quantum Hardware Provider

  • Select a provider: Choose the quantum hardware provider you want to use (e.g., D-Wave, IonQ, Rigetti).

3. Create a Quantum Task

  • Create a quantum task: Click on "Create quantum task".
  • Name your task: Give your task a unique name.
  • Choose a quantum device: Select the quantum device you want to use.
  • Upload your quantum circuit: Upload your quantum circuit in a supported format (e.g., Qiskit, Cirq).
  • Create the task: Click on "Create task".
  • Image of creating a quantum task in the AWS Braket console

4. Monitor the Task

  • Monitor the task: View the status of your quantum task in the Braket console.
  • Image of monitoring a quantum task in the AWS Braket console

5. Access Results

  • Access results: Once the task is complete, you can access the results, including the quantum circuit execution and measurement outcomes.