Configure custom Amazon VPC and provision web server in public subnet of the VPC.
1. Learn to design and implement custom Amazon VPC.
2. Learn to provision a web server in public subnet.
3. Learn to provision NAT gateway.
Step 1: In AWS Management Console, go to VPC service. In VPC side Panel, click Your VPCs. Your default VPC is visible in this window. Click on Create VPC.
In VPC settings:
Name tag – myVPC
IPv4 CIDR block –
Keep rest default, scroll down and click on Create VPC. In the next successful creation window, click on Actions -> Edit DNS Hostnames.
Check the Enable box and Save changes.
Step 2: Go back to VPC dashboard. Click on Subnets. Here there would be existing subnets of default VPC. Click on Create Subnets.
Select myVPC from drop down.
Configure Subnet settings as follows:
Subnet Name: myPublicSN
Availability Zone: ap-south-1a
(The above values may vary according to your own region, subnets and requirements)
Keep the rest values default, scroll down and click on Create Subnet.
Select the myPublicSN, go to Actions -> Modify auto-assign IP settings
Check the Enable auto assign public IPv4 address. And click Save.
Go back to Subnets, click on Create Subnets. Select myVPC from drop down.
Configure private subnet according to following configurations:
Subnet Name: myPrivateSN
Availability Zone: ap-south-1b
(The above values may vary according to your own region, subnets and requirements)
Step 3: In VPC console side panel, go to Internet Gateways. Click on Create internet gateway.
Provide Name tag – myIGW.
Keep the defaults as is, scroll down and click on Create internet gateway.
In the successful creation window, click on Actions -> Attach to VPC.
Select myVPC from drop down and click on Attach internet gateway.
Step 4: Go back to VPC service console. Select Route Tables. Here we create 2 route tables.
Click on Create route table.
Provide following configurations:
Name Tag – PublicRT
VPC – myVPC (from drop down)
Click on Create button.
Follow the same procedure to create Private route table.
Go back to Route Tables. Click on Create route table.
Provide following configurations:
Name Tag – PrivateRT
VPC – myVPC (from drop down)
Click on Create button.
Step 5: Go back to Subnets. Select myPublicSN. Go to Actions -> Edit route table associations.
Select the PublicRT from drop down. Click on Save.
Go to Actions -> Edit Routes.
Configure as follows:
Target: myIGW (from drop down)
Click on Save Routes.
Go back to Subnets. Select myPrivateSN. Go to Actions -> Edit route table associations.
Select the PrivateRT from drop down. Click on Save.
Step 6: In VPC console side panel, click Security Groups under Security.
Click on Create security group.
Configure it as follows:
Security group name: MyWebServerSG
Description: Security Group for EC2 Webserver in custom VPC
Select myVPC from drop down.
Add three rules under Inbound Rules:
1. Type: HTTP
2. Type: HTTP
Source: ::/0
3. Type: SSH
After adding the rules, scroll down and click on Create security group.
Now also create a database security group. Go to Security Groups under Security.
Click on Create security group. Configure it as follows:
Security group name: MyDatabaseSG
Description: Security Group for RDS Database in custom VPC
Select myVPC from drop down.
Add three rules under Inbound Rules:
1. Type: SSH
2. Type: MYSQL/Aurora
Source: MyWebServerSG (The Security group created above for ec2 webserver instance creation)
After adding the rules, scroll down and click on Create security group.
Step 7: In VPC console, go to NAT Gateways. Click on Create NAT gateway.
Configure as follows:
Name: myNATGW
Subnet: myPublicSN
Elastic IP allocation ID: Select the Allocate Elastic IP option
Scroll down and click on Create NAT gateway.
Go back to Route Tables. Select PrivateRT. Go to Action -> Edit Routes.
Add route with following configuration:
Target: myNATGW
Click on Save routes.
Step 8: In AWS console go to EC2 services. Select Instances.
Click on Launch instances.
Select Linux 2 AMI.
In next step keep the default t2.micro.
In next step, Configure Instance Details, select:
Network: myVPC
Subnet: myPublicSN
Scroll down to Advanced Details. Under User data, in the text box, provide the following script:
yum -y update
yum -y install httpd
chkconfig httpd on
service httpd start
echo "<html><h1>Hello! How are You? This is your Web Server!</h1></html>" > /var/www/html/index.html
In next step keep default storage selection.
In next step add tags as follows:
Key: Name
Value: MyWebServerForVPC
In next step, click on Select exiting security groups radio button. Select the MyWebServerSG created previously.
Select the key pair, and launch the instance.
Copy the Public IPv4 address, run it in a different tab and test the web server instance.
If you no longer need this infrastructure, make sure to dissociate and release the elastic IP address, delete the EC2 instance, NAT gateway and the custom VPC.