Friday, 30 July 2021

Juniper Networks Certified Specialist Enterprise Routing and Switching (JNCIS-ENT) Training In Coimbatore

 Juniper Networks Certified Specialist Enterprise Routing and Switching (JNCIS-ENT)


Nux Software Solutions is the name on which one can reckon and expect the best training programs to make their career. 

Juniper Network Training is vital for the high performance of the network. Juniper Networks assists companies to build up the high-performance networks. This high-performance network is provided by providing the networking equipment, services, and its own network operating system. Juniper Networks offered by the Nux Software Solutions provide the networking services to the world’s top 100 service providers as well as banks, stock exchanges, government agencies, healthcare organizations and many other industries. The Juniper Networks Certification Program offers several credentials at the Associate, Specialist, Professional and Expert levels to support the wide array of networking technologies and customers who use them.

After completing Juniper Network Training, students will be able to perform various tasks in the CLI configuration and operational modes. Students will be able to restore Junos devices to their default factory settings, installing and managing the network interfaces, and performing tasks for system logging. The configuration archival, SNMP and NTP are done by students very well after the training. The training includes the JNCIS- ENT- Specialist training course, Networks Associate certification courses. Situated in Coimbatore, Nux Software Solutions is offering the courses based on the requirements of the clients and now counted amongst the best training providers. This is the only place where one can get the assurance of getting the jobs based on their ability in different multinational companies.

Juniper Networks Certified Associate - Junos (JNCIA-Junos) Training In Coimbatore

 Juniper Networks Certified Associate - Junos (JNCIA-Junos)


Nux Software Solutions is the name on which one can reckon and expect the best training programs to make their career. 

Juniper Network Training is vital for the high performance of the network. Juniper Networks assists companies to build up the high-performance networks. This high-performance network is provided by providing the networking equipment, services, and its own network operating system. Juniper Networks offered by the Nux Software Solutions provide the networking services to the world’s top 100 service providers as well as banks, stock exchanges, government agencies, healthcare organizations and many other industries. The Juniper Networks Certification Program offers several credentials at the Associate, Specialist, Professional and Expert levels to support the wide array of networking technologies and customers who use them.

After completing Juniper Network Training, students will be able to perform various tasks in the CLI configuration and operational modes. Students will be able to restore Junos devices to their default factory settings, installing and managing the network interfaces, and performing tasks for system logging. The configuration archival, SNMP and NTP are done by students very well after the training. The training includes the JNCIA-Junos training course, Networks Associate certification courses. Situated in Coimbatore, Nux Software Solutions is offering the courses based on the requirements of the clients and now counted amongst the best training providers. This is the only place where one can get the assurance of getting the jobs based on their ability in different multinational companies.

Best Fundamentals of Kali Linux (Cybrary) Training Institute in Coimbatore

  Fundamentals of Kali Linux (Cybrary)

Best  Fundamentals of Kali Linux (Cybrary) Training Institute in Coimbatore

Best Fundamentals of Kali Linux (Cybrary) training courses classes deliver by Nux software solutions in coimbatore. Nux software solutions in coimbatore has excellent and advanced training programs that will give you better performance & hands on experience. Our industry’s expert trainers offer a wide range of skills and experience in their graded areas. The Training center environment is too good for professional, individual, corporate, live project training and industrial training. Labs infrastructure is advanced, well managed and you can access LAB 24X7 from anywhere. Training center has international expert trainers and they have excellent knowledge, real time industry experience. Our Training programs combine with several innovative learning methods and delivery models. We understand your requirement and it will give you 100 percent growth for your career and provide the cost effective training programs and also work with flexibility for the trainees.


Kali Linux is an operating system based on the Debian distribution aimed at digital forensics and penetration testing use. Kali Linux provides users with easy access to a comprehensive and large collection of security-related tools ranging from port scanners to password crackers. Support for Live CD and Live USB functionality allows users to boot Kali Linux directly from portable media without requiring installation, though permanent installation to hard disk is also an option.

Best Kali Linux Training for Users (Kali Training) Training Institute in Coimbatore

  Kali Linux Training for Users (Kali Training)

Best Kali Linux Training for Users (Kali Training) Training Institute in Coimbatore

Best Kali Linux Training for Users (Kali Training) training courses classes deliver by Nux software solutions in coimbatore. Nux software solutions in coimbatore has excellent and advanced training programs that will give you better performance & hands on experience. Our industry’s expert trainers offer a wide range of skills and experience in their graded areas. The Training center environment is too good for professional, individual, corporate, live project training and industrial training. Labs infrastructure is advanced, well managed and you can access LAB 24X7 from anywhere. Training center has international expert trainers and they have excellent knowledge, real time industry experience. Our Training programs combine with several innovative learning methods and delivery models. We understand your requirement and it will give you 100 percent growth for your career and provide the cost effective training programs and also work with flexibility for the trainees.


Kali Linux is an operating system based on the Debian distribution aimed at digital forensics and penetration testing use. Kali Linux provides users with easy access to a comprehensive and large collection of security-related tools ranging from port scanners to password crackers. Support for Live CD and Live USB functionality allows users to boot Kali Linux directly from portable media without requiring installation, though permanent installation to hard disk is also an option.

Best Hands-on Penetration Labs 1.0 Training Institute in Coimbatore

 Hands-on Penetration Labs 1.0 

Best Hands-on Penetration Labs 1.0  Training Institute in Coimbatore

Best Hands-on Penetration Labs 1.0 training courses classes deliver by Nux software solutions in coimbatore. Nux software solutions in coimbatore has excellent and advanced training programs that will give you better performance & hands on experience. Our industry’s expert trainers offer a wide range of skills and experience in their graded areas. The Training center environment is too good for professional, individual, corporate, live project training and industrial training. Labs infrastructure is advanced, well managed and you can access LAB 24X7 from anywhere. Training center has international expert trainers and they have excellent knowledge, real time industry experience. Our Training programs combine with several innovative learning methods and delivery models. We understand your requirement and it will give you 100 percent growth for your career and provide the cost effective training programs and also work with flexibility for the trainees.


Kali Linux is an operating system based on the Debian distribution aimed at digital forensics and penetration testing use. Kali Linux provides users with easy access to a comprehensive and large collection of security-related tools ranging from port scanners to password crackers. Support for Live CD and Live USB functionality allows users to boot Kali Linux directly from portable media without requiring installation, though permanent installation to hard disk is also an option.

deploy Kubernetes Dashboard -- Kubernets Training in coimbatore.

Kubernetes offers a convenient graphical user interface with their web dashboard which can be used to create, monitor and manage a cluster. The installation is quite straight-forward but takes a few steps to set up everything in a convenient manner.

In addition to deploying the dashboard, we’ll go over how to set up both admin and read-only access to the dashboard. However, before we begin, we need to have a working Kubernetes cluster. You can get started with Kubernetes by following our earlier tutorial.

1. Deploy the latest Kubernetes dashboard

Once you’ve set up your Kubernetes cluster or if you already had one running, we can get started.

The first thing to know about the web UI is that it can only be accessed using localhost address on the machine it runs on. This means we need to have an SSH tunnel to the server. For most OS, you can create an SSH tunnel using this command. Replace the <user> and <master_public_IP> with the relevant details to your Kubernetes cluster.

ssh -L localhost:8001: <user>@<master_public_IP>

After you’ve logged in, you can deploy the dashboard itself with the following single command.

kubectl apply -f

If your cluster is working correctly, you should see an output confirming the creation of a bunch of Kubernetes components like in the example below.

namespace/kubernetes-dashboard created
serviceaccount/kubernetes-dashboard created
service/kubernetes-dashboard created
secret/kubernetes-dashboard-certs created
secret/kubernetes-dashboard-csrf created
secret/kubernetes-dashboard-key-holder created
configmap/kubernetes-dashboard-settings created created created created created
deployment.apps/kubernetes-dashboard created
service/dashboard-metrics-scraper created
deployment.apps/dashboard-metrics-scraper created

Afterwards, you should have two new pods running on your cluster.

kubectl get pods -A
kubernetes-dashboard   dashboard-metrics-scraper-6b4884c9d5-v4z89   1/1     Running   0          30m
kubernetes-dashboard   kubernetes-dashboard-7b544877d5-m8jzk        1/1     Running   0          30m

You can then continue ahead with creating the required user accounts.

2. Creating Admin user

The Kubernetes dashboard supports a few ways to manage access control. In this example, we’ll be creating an admin user account with full privileges to modify the cluster and using tokens.

Start by making a new directory for the dashboard configuration files.

mkdir ~/dashboard && cd ~/dashboard

Create the following configuration and save it as dashboard-admin.yaml file. Note that indentation matters in the YAML files which should use two spaces in a regular text editor.

nano dashboard-admin.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: admin-user
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: admin-user
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: admin-user
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard

Once set, save the file and exit the editor.

Then deploy the admin user role with the next command.

kubectl apply -f dashboard-admin.yaml

You should see a service account and a cluster role binding created.

serviceaccount/admin-user created created

Using this method doesn’t require setting up or memorising passwords, instead, accessing the dashboard will require a token.

Get the admin token using the command below.

kubectl get secret -n kubernetes-dashboard $(kubectl get serviceaccount admin-user -n kubernetes-dashboard -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}") -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode

You’ll then see an output of a long string of seemingly random characters like in the example below.


The token is created each time the dashboard is deployed and is required to log into the dashboard. Note that the token will change if the dashboard is stopped and redeployed.

3. Creating Read-Only user

If you wish to provide access to your Kubernetes dashboard, for example, for demonstrative purposes, you can create a read-only view for the cluster.

Similarly to the admin account, save the following configuration in dashboard-read-only.yaml

nano dashboard-read-only.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: read-only-user
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
kind: ClusterRole
  annotations: "true"
  name: read-only-clusterrole
  namespace: default
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  resources: ["*"]
  - get
  - list
  - watch
- apiGroups:
  - extensions
  resources: ["*"]
  - get
  - list
  - watch
- apiGroups:
  - apps
  resources: ["*"]
  - get
  - list
  - watch
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: read-only-binding
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: read-only-clusterrole
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: read-only-user
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard

Once set, save the file and exit the editor.

Then deploy the read-only user account with the command below.

kubectl apply -f dashboard-read-only.yaml

To allow users to log in via the read-only account, you’ll need to provide a token which can be fetched using the next command.

kubectl get secret -n kubernetes-dashboard $(kubectl get serviceaccount read-only-user -n kubernetes-dashboard -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}") -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode

The toke will be a long series of characters and unique to the dashboard currently running.

4. Accessing the dashboard

We’ve now deployed the dashboard and created user accounts for it. Next, we can get started managing the Kubernetes cluster itself.

However, before we can log in to the dashboard, it needs to be made available by creating a proxy service on the localhost. Run the next command on your Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl proxy

This will start the server at as shown by the output.

Starting to serve on

Now, assuming that we have already established an SSH tunnel binding to the localhost port 8001 at both ends, open a browser to the link below.


If everything is running correctly, you should see the dashboard login window.

Signing in to Kubernetes dashboard

Select the token authentication method and copy your admin token into the field below. Then click the Sign in button.

You will then be greeted by the overview of your Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes dashboard overview

While signed in as an admin, you can deploy new pods and services quickly and easily by clicking the plus icon at the top right corner of the dashboard.

Creating new from input on Kubernetes dashboard

Then either copy in any configuration file you wish, select the file directly from your machine or create a new configuration from a form.

5. Stopping the dashboard

User roles that are no longer needed can be removed using the delete method.

kubectl delete -f dashboard-admin.yaml
kubectl delete -f dashboard-read-only.yaml

Likewise, if you want to disable the dashboard, it can be deleted just like any other deployment.

kubectl delete -f

The dashboard can then be redeployed at any time following the same procedure as before.

6. Setting up management script

The steps to deploy or delete the dashboard are not complicated but they can be further simplified.

The following script can be used to start, stop or check the dashboard status.

nano ~/dashboard/
cmd="kubectl proxy"
count=`pgrep -cf "$cmd"`
msgstarted="-e Kubernetes Dashboard \e[92mstarted\e[0m"
msgstopped="Kubernetes Dashboard stopped"

case $1 in
   kubectl apply -f $dashboard_yaml >/dev/null 2>&1
   kubectl apply -f ~/dashboard/dashboard-admin.yaml >/dev/null 2>&1
   kubectl apply -f ~/dashboard/dashboard-read-only.yaml >/dev/null 2>&1

   if [ $count = 0 ]; then
      nohup $cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 &
      echo $msgstarted
      echo "Kubernetes Dashboard already running"

   if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then
      kill -9 $(pgrep -f "$cmd")
   kubectl delete -f $dashboard_yaml >/dev/null 2>&1
   kubectl delete -f ~/dashboard/dashboard-admin.yaml >/dev/null 2>&1
   kubectl delete -f ~/dashboard/dashboard-read-only.yaml >/dev/null 2>&1
   echo $msgstopped

   found=`kubectl get serviceaccount admin-user -n kubernetes-dashboard 2>/dev/null`
   if [[ $count = 0 ]] || [[ $found = "" ]]; then
      echo $msgstopped
      found=`kubectl get clusterrolebinding admin-user -n kubernetes-dashboard 2>/dev/null`
      if [[ $found = "" ]]; then
         nopermission=" but user has no permissions."
         echo $msgstarted$nopermission
         echo 'Run "dashboard start" to fix it.'
         echo $msgstarted

# Show full command line # ps -wfC "$cmd"
if [ $showtoken -gt 0 ]; then
   # Show token
   echo "Admin token:"
   kubectl get secret -n kubernetes-dashboard $(kubectl get serviceaccount admin-user -n kubernetes-dashboard -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}") -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode

   echo "User read-only token:"
   kubectl get secret -n kubernetes-dashboard $(kubectl get serviceaccount read-only-user -n kubernetes-dashboard -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}") -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode

Once all set, save the file and exit the text editor.

Then make the script executable.

chmod +x ~/dashboard/

Next, create a symbolic link to the dashboard script to be able to run it from anywhere on the system.

sudo ln -s ~/dashboard/ /usr/local/bin/dashboard

You can then use the following commands to run the dashboard like an application.

Start the dashboard and show the tokens

dashboard start

Check whether the dashboard is running or not and output the tokens if currently set.

dashboard status

Stop the dashboard

dashboard stop

Congratulations, you have successfully installed the Kubernetes dashboard! You can now start getting familiar with the dashboard by exploring the different menus and view it offers.

Docker Training and Certification in coimbatore.

Step 1: Make sure your Windows 10 version is 2004 or later

  1. Select the Start button > Settings > System > About
  2. Under Windows Specifications, you will see which version of Windows 10 you’re running
  3. If your version is lower than 2004, go to Windows Update in your settings and update Windows
  4. If the v2004 update doesn't show up, you can use the Update Assistant to update Windows 10

Step 2: Getting your machine ready to use WSL 2

  1. Search for ‘’Turn Windows features on or off’ in your search bar on the bottom left of your screen
  2. Enable both ‘Virtual Machine Platform’ and ‘Windows Subsystem for Linux
  3. Restart your computer

Step 3: Installing a Linux distribution on Windows 10

  1. You can install a Linux distribution from the Microsoft store, in this tutorial we will be using ‘Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  2. Ubuntu1804
  3. Once the Linux distribution has been installed, start it up
  4. You will be asked to create a username and password when you launch Linux for the first time, these have no bearing on your windows system so choose whatever you want!
  5. CommandLine
  6. You can now close the application

Step 4: Using WSL2 to run your Linux distribution

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of WSL 2 installed by running the update package found here;
  2. Open WindowsPowerShell
  3. Run wsl -l to list the Ubuntu distributions you currently have installed, you should see ‘Ubuntu-18.04’ in the list
  4. Set the WSL version for Ubuntu 18.04 by running wsl --set-version Ubuntu-18.04 2 (The 2 at the end is very important because it tells your machine you want to use WSL2)
  5. You can check that you successfully switch to wsl 2 by running wsl -l -vWSL2

Additionally, if you want to make WSL 2 your default architecture you can do so with this command:

wsl --set-default-version 2

Step 5: Installing Docker on Windows 10

  1. Download the latest release of Docker Desktop
  2. Follow the usual installation instructions to install Docker Desktop
  3. Start Docker Desktop from the Windows Start menu
  4. From the Docker menu, select Settings > General
  5. Make sure that ‘Use the WSL 2 base engine’ is selected. If it wasn’t, select it and click Apply & Restart
  6. Now go to go to Settings > Resources > WSL Integration in Docker and select your Linux distribution (Ubuntu 18.04 in this tutorial)
  7. updated_screenshot_docker2
  8. Enable the Docker integration with the kernel you installed (Ubuntu 18.04) and click Apply and restartupdated_screenshot_docker1

Step 6: Using Docker in Windows 10

  1. To use Docker in your distribution, Docker Desktop has to be running
  2. Launch your distribution (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in this tutorial)
  3. Run ‘docker version’ to check that Docker is running and accessible

Monitoring commands:

These few commands are in my mind the first you need to know when using Docker.

 docker ps (-a) 

docker ps displays every docker instance currently running in your environment. If you add the -a option, then you even have the stopped ones.

 docker images (-a) 

The docker images show to you the images you have build, and the -a show you the intermediate images.

 docker network ls 

 docker-compose ps 

The docker network ls list the networks and docker-compose ps displays all the containers once started with it (currently running or not).

Manage commands:

You now need images and containers to test the few previous commands.

 docker-compose up (-d) (--build) 

 docker-compose stop 

The docker-compose is easiest because you only need 2 commands: up and stop. stop is explicit and stop (not remove) your containers, but up require more explanations: it will build your images if they aren't already and will start your dockers. If you want to re-build your images, use the option --build (you can also use the command docker-compose build to only build the images). The option -d, which means "detach" make the containers run in the background.

 docker build (-t <NAME>) <PATH>/<URL> 

With Docker, you need a separate command to build your image where you can specify the name of your image and you have to specify the PATH or URL to your context (this can be a git repository).

docker run (-d) (-p <hostPort>:<containerPort>) (--name <NAME>) <IMGNAME>/<IMGID> 

run create the container using the image you tell it. You can specify lots of parameters, I recommend you to add a name to your container and you may need to specify some ports to expose. As for docker-compose, the -d make the container run in the background.

 docker start <ID>/<NAME> 

 docker stop <ID>/<NAME> 

The start and stop shouldn’t be hard to understand, but you have to note that you can only start containers already stopped, this means already built with run.

 docker exec -it <NAME>/<ID> <“sh”>/<”/bin/bash”> 

This command allows you to connect to the shell of your container. I prefer using "/bin/bash" but your container may not have bash installed and only "sh" which is more common. If you put some special configuration to your container, you may need to use extra arguments to connect to it. This command can do much more than this, I recommend to read the doc for further information.

Remove commands:

These commands remove your containers and images, you will likely need them to save disk space.

 docker rm <ID>/<NAME> 

 docker-compose rm 

The docker rm remove only one container when docker-compose rm remove every container started with a docker-compose command.

 docker rmi <ID>/<NAME> 

docker rmi delete the image you give as a parameter and recursively all the images intermediate used to build it.

Logs commands:

The commands below are useful when you need to debug some of your containers (or more often the applications you deploy in it).

 docker logs <ID>/<NAME> (-f --tail <NBLINE>) 

This command prints you the logs of the container you specify. If you use the option -f --tail <NBLINE> you can follow the live flux of your logs (<NBLINE> is the number of lines you want to display. Keep in mind to choose a number of lines you can handle and to not be overwhelmed by your logs).

 docker-compose logs (<ID>/<NAME>) 

The option (<ID>/<NAME>) with the docker-compose logs let you see the logs from only one container instead of every logs. The point here is if you don’t use the -d option when using docker run or docker-compose up you will see your logs directly (but you will need to stop the container to quit the view). It can still be useful to debug launching apps.